Elena's happy paws Uncategorized The benefits of dog walks for you and your dog

The benefits of dog walks for you and your dog

Walking a dog is about so much more than just “potty breaks”.

It gets both of you out and helps to grow the bond you have with your dog. There is nothing like an exercise partner who’s waiting by the door with wagging tail to keep you motivated.

Dog walkers enjoy numerous health and social benefits by walking dogs. Benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, stronger muscles, bones and decreased stress.

A regular walk is vitally important for your pet’s health too.

We know you have busy lives and your furry friend means the world to you, so there is no reason for him/her to suffer when Elena’s Happy Paws can come right to your house.

Exercising your dog’s mind is important too. Walking your dog regularly provides a basic foundation for theirs physical and mental health. Like a child, your dog wants to know the world, otherwise they get bored and boredom can lead to destructive behaviour. Remember, a tired dog is a good dog!

Hiring a dog walker gives you the peace of mind that your dog is well taken care of, even when you aren’t at home. You don’t have to worry if you need to stay late for work or for fun.

We all live busy lives and every minute counts. With a regular dog walker, your dog still gets all the exercise and attention they deserve, while you get back a great deal of time, relaxed and happy dog. Everyone wins!

My main purpose is to help you, giving your special friend all the fun, enjoyment and love that you would give it if it was you looking after him/her.

A care without the clock. While we give approximate times, we don’t time our visits. For our regular customers we stay as long as your pet needs us. You will never receive an extra bill if a walk took longer than expected.

If you want to experience the benefits of a relaxed and happy dog, simply contact us today to schedule daily walks for your dog.

Elena’s Happy Paws, your pets second best friend: 07765361438

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