
It is my responsibility as a dog walker to be well-versed in the dog breeds I service. The Weimaraner is the subject of my article today.

The Weimaraner is a very intelligent and brave dog with impressive speed, endurance, great sense of smell, great eyes and guts. No other dog, in my experience, is more interested in sniffing around than a Weimaraner.

Because of the colour of their eyes, the stealthy hunting style and the ghostly look of their coat, they are often called the “GREY GHOSTS” .

The Weimaraner is a very active dog with an extremely low maintenance coat and stands out thanks to its peculiar eyes and distinctively regal look.

They have an abnormal high quantity of energy that must be channeled in a productive manner.

A dog walker may find it difficult to handle such a powerful dog and I can say with absolute certainty that my pawstomer truly keeps me on my toes. In return I have lots of unconditional love.

These are pictures with the Weimaraner responsible for this article.

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